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“Forget your perfect offering; there is a crack in everything, and that’s how the light gets in”. -  Leonard Cohen

I have had the privilege of working with clients in the Portland area and beyond since 2007.  I hold a Bachelor’s degree (BS) in Psychology from Lewis and Clark College and a Master’s degree (MA) in Marriage and Family Therapy from George Fox University. I am currently a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC #C2844) and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT #T0885) with the State of Oregon Board of Professional Counselors and Therapists.

Pronouns:  She | Her | Hers

I work with a broad range of clients, including adults, couples, families, and adolescents on a wide variety of issues. I have extensive experience working with trauma and use EMDR with an attachment and somatic lens to facilitate the healing process. I have a special interest in working with partners, whether in business or in life, on the personal and relational issues that either support or challenge a healthy partnership dynamic. I have a heart for working with co-parents and families facing the unique complications of divorcing or blending. And I embrace the challenge of working through the many transitions we encounter along life’s path.

I am committed to continuing education through training workshops, conferences, and reading on a wide variety of mental health and relationship related topics including interpersonal neurobiology, attachment, trauma, ethics, grief and resiliency. 

EMDR Trained Trauma Therapist, 2019

Clinical Fellow of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy

Level 1 Certified with the Gottman Institute, 2014

Volunteer Clinical Therapist, William Temple House Portland 2007-2010

Recipient of the Al Steifel Award for Excellence, George Fox University, 2008
